Cargill teams up with KSU to build animal feed research centre
Cargill is to give a US$500,000 grant to the Kansas State University (KSU) to help with the construction of the Cargill Center for Feed Safety Research. The facility will conduct studies with pathogens such as salmonella and E. coli to address current food and feed safety issues facing the feed industry.
Once operational (expected by the end of 2012), the facility will allow for planned research on a variety of food and feed safety efforts, including feed processing technologies to sterilize feed and lower bacterial/viral introduction to livestock operations and the food chain. The facility will be in the department of grain science and industry complex along Kimball Avenue.
It will be part of the new O.H. Kruse Feed Mill and Biorefinery Teaching and Research Center, the groundbreaking for which was in October 2010. The facility also will be near the site of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility, which will conduct research on dangerous and exotic foreign animal diseases.
The Cargill Center for Feed Safety Research will be jointly operated by the K-State departments of grain science and industry and animal sciences and industry, and will serve as a critical link between the research, teaching and outreach efforts of the departments.
“At present, there is not a single facility in the United States licensed and approved for feed-related research involving Salmonella, E. coli along with other popular, food-related pathogens. We’re thankful that Cargill’s contribution helps offer the construction of this Kansas State study facility,” said Dr. Kirk Schulz, Kansas State University president.
“Advancements in food safety are among the greatest focus areas for the industry at the present time,” said Chuck Warta, a v . p . at Cargill Animal Nutrition. “Feed and feed ingredients are an increasingly critical part of the safe food system. Helping allow this research is an investment that reaches beyond Cargill. The whole animal feed business will benefit from the continued development of food, feed and feed ingredient safety.”
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